Sunday, January 31, 2010

two new things

There seems to be a cerain type of around-1900s way to make cartoon faces, which inspired me to make this. I see it in Little Nemo comics (Winsor McCay) and on some retro lithographic posters in european-esque cafes. And I tried out some fancy shading on the woman's body, which is from a life-drawing sketch. Overall, I'm not sure thrilled with the colours.

The second picture is inspired by men who tell stories about their horribly bitchy ex-girlfriends. It's not really from my own personal experience. It's one of those drawings I made without pencilling or planning beforehand - I like to imagine that the awkwardness lends it the right type of charm. It's a tricky line to straddle, though, between "meaningfully naieve" and "shitty."


Zadie Xa said...

I really am enjoying all your drawings Joelle! Seeing more and more of them is really interesting. I think you're on to something which is really YOU aka they don't look like they're trying to be something or someone else's.


Scorrigan Corrigan said...

Hey, anders loves maria just ended. Thoughts?

Scorrigan Corrigan said...

Oh, and your faces in the first one look really close to gahan wilsons.

Joelle Sept said...

THANKS Zadie, that is saying a lot - having your own thing doesn't really come that quickly (and strangely, I think it can only be developed after a long time of being inspired by someone else's approach).

I haven't kept as up to date on your blog as I'd like, but I really enjoyed your open letter to teachers. I hope some of them get to read it...

Joelle Sept said...

And Sean, I'm glad anders loves maria has FINALLY posted the last update. I think it's a good ending, and kind of appropriate that Anders gets away with all his shitty actions through the whole story, but then there are these drastic consequences at the very end. Not that Maria's death was really his fault, but it SEEMS like it is.

The little girl's boots were foreshadowed through the comic, and I remember thinking at the time, "they didn't INVENT those rubber boots with cute patterns on them until very recently, so how can Maria have had them as a kid?" but I didn't realise it was intentional.

What are your thoughts? Did you think it was a good ending?

Scorrigan Corrigan said...

yeah, it was a good ending. Mind, her story was told in so many fits and starts that I will have to reread to decide, but it has value in the national character(?) it brings to me? Anders looks like a grownup with a beard.

im also going to have to read for the duality of the marias.

Scorrigan Corrigan said...

OMG Joelle, this blog reminds me of yours, but filthier.

... is that insulting?

Joelle Sept said...

WHICH blog? It's not insulting.